Schmidt Hammer

Schmidt hammer, rebound hammer or concrete hammer test is an easy way to measure concrete strength in real time.
The rebound hammer test has a spring-loaded mass that hits the surface of the concrete at a defined energy. The rebound of this mass depends on the hardness of the concrete. By using a conversion chart, the measured values can be converted to compressive strength of the concrete on-site.  The equipment and the survey procedures for reliable results must follow the ASTM C805 standard. 

Applications of Schmidt Hammer

The main application of the Schmidt hammer is to measure the hardness of the concrete. This can be done in large areas to verify the uniformity of the concrete, locate deteriorated concrete, or even monitor the concrete over time. Its simplicity and inexpensive procedure make it a popular first choice for concrete evaluation. Although it is considered a simple NDT method, several parameters have to be taken into account when conducting the survey, such as smoothness of the surface, the age of the concrete, the used aggregates etc. 

The Equipment

 Xradar use only the most reliable testing equipment. The Original Schmidt Hammer is produced by Proceq, the pioneer in NDT instruments. The Original Schmidt Hammer has purely mechanical design making it durable and reliable for every project. Its typical measurement range is between 10 and 70MPa. The measurements are taken on site and converted to compressive strength. The results can either be provided on the same day, or they can be compiled into our typical Xradar survey reports for a more comprehensive evaluation analysis.